Again a photo from Dorothy. This is a view of the camp from the dock. This is around 1968 (color). Several observations:1. How small the trees look.2. What happened to that cedar tree?3.The dock looks like it always has.4. The old red jeep sits to the right of the camp. Do you think it will start?5. Someone just mowed the yard.6. I'm glad the bush is gone. Good place for snakes.
Here is an old photo again from my aunt Dorothy that shows the old Viking Ship. My Dad and uncles made this out of barrels and plywood. The mast was a tent pole and it had a real canvas sail with the Celtic cross painted on it in red. The sides of the ship were yellow with red trim. It is hard to see, but there is a dragon head sitting proudly on the prow of our Viking Ship. What fun we had sailing around lick creek, jumping off of and swimming from the ship, and taking the craft into the "swamp". As I remember, the ship was eight feet wide and sixteen feet long.
My aunt Dorothy found this vintage photo of the camp taken in October of 1966. Fivethings to notice:1. The roof is flat (it leaked), before the gable roof was added.2. The pump house to the left of the camp. We used to pump water from the lake, before we put in a well.3. The old army jeep parked to the right of the camp. We used to ride to Doughtery Store in the jeep.4. The wild rose bushes in the yard, gone now.5. The trees in front of the canopy, cut down over the last few years because they cracked the concrete porch as they grew large.